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Act now to reduce crop stress during dry conditions

Now is the time to boost nutrient intake through the application of natural bio-stimulant interventions, with many crops starting to show serious effects of stress during the continued dry conditions across the UK.

“During prolonged periods with no rainfall, crops are unable to take up badly needed nitrogen which is still lying on the ground,” explains AminoA managing director, Richard Phillips.

“This will lead to premature senescence and limit yield potential as the plant attempts to reproduce with the resources of moisture and nutrition it has available. Even rainfall in stressed crops is likely to provoke this response,” he adds.

However, applying AminoA FLO, a highly concentrated I-isomer amino acid complex, with dissolved Urea (6-8 kg/ha), will give the crop a nutrition boost and reduce the chance of premature senescence until rainfall arrives.

Mr Phillips explains, “It is calculated that an extra 200 kg/ha is contributed to yield, for every day that senescence is delayed in winter wheat. In the drought conditions in 2018 crops very noticeably stayed greener longer after applications of AminoA FLO.

“In replicated trials, a T2 application alone contributed 0.6 t/ha to yield. Overall, T1 and T2 applications contributed over 1.2 t/ha,” he adds.

It is not only yield responses that have impressed, but also performance. AminoA FLO contains synthetics and the latest crop penetrant technology, making it suitable for mixing with other agrochemicals to improve crop quality.

Using AminoA products boosts yield and quality, resulting in a positive return on investment and increased profits. More details can be found at www.amino.co.uk

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