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Co-Applying Amino Acids with Reduced Fungicide Rates: Safeguarding Endophytes for Sustainable Agriculture.


Innovation is crucial in the pursuit of sustainable agriculture.

Balancing crop protection with the preservation of mutualistic micro-organisms like endophytes is the optimal goal for supporting your plants and soil.

Recent research has shown that co-applying Amino acids, such as AminoA FLO, with reduced rates of fungicides can significantly reduce the negative impact of fungicides on endophytes.


Ultimately, to promote a more sustainable and harmonious relationship between crop protection and the preservation of beneficial micro-organisms.



The role of Endophytes in Plant Health

Endophytes, including bacteria and fungi, play a vital role in promoting plant health and resilience. They contribute to nutrient cycling, enhance stress tolerance, and protect against pathogens and pests. Preserving endophytes is crucial for sustainable agriculture and maintaining the overall health of plants.


The Impact of Fungicides on Endophytes 

Fungicides, while effective in controlling fungal diseases, can inadvertently harm beneficial endophytes. These chemicals can reduce the diversity and abundance of endophytes, disrupting the delicate balance within plant ecosystems. This loss of endophytic diversity can have negative consequences for nutrient cycling, disease suppression, and plant resilience.


Co-applying amino acids, such as AminoA FLO, with reduced rates of fungicides offers a promising solution to safeguard endophytes while effectively managing fungal diseases. Here are the key benefits of this combined approach:






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